I'm contacted numerous times per week in regard to missing or damaged parts. Being compensated for my time searching, pulling, cleaning, taking pictures, numerous emails, packing, 3% paypal fee, etc.. makes buying a specific part from me seem expensive. The alternative is to do as I do and buy an identical machine online. As was so often the case, after I'd pulled the part, the interested party didn't want to pay for it. Even if I gave an estimate of the cost up front.
Due to all the reasons stated above, I don't sell parts. It's my hope that this page will be found by those searching for parts and they then understand they can't buy them here. While very expensive for one part, purchasing a complete second machine means you'll have extra parts for other issues that will undoubtedly occur. Especially if it's an "as is" bargain find ;-)
As always, thank you for your interest!